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How to start reading the bible
Old Testament

The bible is not any book like the Koran,
it is the infinite story of the revelation of god to the mankind,
which no man can incorporate ever completely

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Men say, Jesus was the second Adam, god has planned to send him immediately after he had expelled Adam and Eve from paradise.

After thousands of years the prophets appeared, through who the Holy Spirit spoke to announce Jesus. How came the idea among the prophets, a certain saviour will come and how did they come to their growing concreter expectations ?

The key to understanding what made the prophets to prophets, of who are named and described 17 in the Old Testament, is to step into the matter by studying the life-story of Nebukadnezzar.

What god is, cannot be said with little words, that lies in the nature of the notion. I do not invent god once again, for keeping up anything adamantly high against anybody, but I attend, with open mind and good-willing readiness, to the question, in what did the innumerables believe-in over the millenia and I seek for an explanation for the phenomenon. It does not speak for a good character, if one neglects all these people and their good will from the outset due to any detail.

By the islam, however, I cannot understand, where, by this religion, shall be the values and if there were any, so they are destroyed 10-fold by the atrocities, with which one must keep them troublesome upright.

The Old Testament is not a conglomeration of brief quotes over an evil god, which one can quickly pick out on a search engine (so that he does not need to do any more), but overwhelmingly an infinite story on 1400 pages, which, in their enormous plentiful content, reveals a tremendous sense-context, however poses, without an accompanying literature, only a part of the knowledge over the those-days events, which is available in our world. God is namely not an entity, which one can easily invent himself and even easier outside of church, but a god of the millenia of peoples worshipping and he reveals himself by the events from the beginning up to now, which yields primal the sense, which those days was not recognizable in detail. However is, for example, the gospel according to Mark only a tiny part of it, the same is valid for everything else.

Seen so the bible is only a finger board for further research, one needs namely several years of work, to seek himself the sense-context of the bible-passages together. Therefor in the bible it outweighs the moralic component of the god's believe, whereby the events, in their total-context stays in the dark, which would mediate us, what was the struggle of the mankind about, to attain to a useful god-believe, which improves the life of the mankind, at least out over their death.

It has no sense, to do oneself great by casting aspersions over the bible. No man can read the bible from fore to aft, everyone, who asserts this, lies or has no idea. One needs much more than per 3 pages a several days lasting study, in order to understand, what was it about. God is just the allmighty and not a flash of genius of a super-cute in vest pocket format. The Old Testament is namely the previous story to Jesus, which makes us clearer the meaning of him in addition. But how shall one start to read ?

I recommend, before reading the Old Testament, to take a bible-lexicon at hand and to study the life-story of Nebuchadnezzar. Who was, those days, around 600 BC the king of babylonia, that was a world power, which he has restored together with his father after an idea, which has failed soon, while the church is still here today. In the bible he is mentioned several times, but one must seek them together himself, but they do not give such a voluminous opening like a bible-lexicon and further sources. Nebuchadnezzar depicts namely the key to understanding, why the prophets were prophets. In the bible there are 17 prophets, of who at least 2 were with Nebuchadnezzar in controverse of life and death. The prophets are a component of the every sundays reading in the holy mass in all churches and the half of a page, which is recited, is such a tiny part of the life-story of the concerned prophet, that it deals only with a microscopic small part of a part, only the hint of a finger-tip, which one can deal with outside of the liturgy-celebration, because one understands nothing otherwise. Or one leaves it the clergy, but then one should not taunt him.

To the life-story of the 17 prophets it belongs, too, what happened to the Jewish people in the meantime. They had settled, after their exodus out of Egypt and their flight into the desert, in Jerusalem and set up a temple, which was surrounded by 2 walls and around them, their houses, were surrounded by a defense-wall too. Nebuchadnezzar has besieged the city for 3 years, conquered, dragged all dwellers away and destroyed the temple. He became 43 years old and after his death there were a couple of short successors, then babylonia was conquered by the persians.

Some time after Rome was founded and the Jews reconstructed their temple again. The construction lasted for 47 years (as by bible), it was a giant building, but obviously lacked of the spirit, which one expected, because Jesus as a 12 year old boy objected and displayed this, that the learned men of the temple did not know their own teaching, at which they invoked. At this time Rome was already a grand power. But the Jews have asserted themselves with their god's faith against all grand powers. And this story is instructive, because it shows, which ideas there were in comparison to todays. Many of it is today similar to the relations of those days. The people wanted to know nothing of god, they broke the league with god ect.

Of all of this, one would have to seek out, how Jesus has been announced by the prophets and how He Himself stood to this. There one can ask for god, by asking the question, how was it possible, that one could predict or bring about something such a long time before and why this was desired, why this was logic, that a Messias had to come etc. And why then a single man had such an effect, which was partially anticipated already. That all had been invented belately cannot be proofed, alone for the study of the sources there is in the bible-lexicon a long list of source-experts, if they have written a judgment of the sources, one understands no word and they cannot depict their years lasting investigation-work on half a page. Sure they have believed something, but first of all they have done an enormous work, which one should respect, especially if one sets a high value to be valid as an intellectual. Because then one should know, what it means.

If one has studied through all, one can start with the New Testament. I propose, before starting to read the New Testament, to read the Catechism. The Catechism is a summary of everything, what the Christ believes and thereby it is an explanation of the bible and one saves to seek together all for years. In the New Testament one finds debates between Jesus and the Pharisees, which brought him finally to the cross. Ultimately it was about the Jewish laws, for which was quarreled. One could seek them together in the bible, but if one wants to study more exactly disputable points, one would have to seek more detailed for sources to the explosive arguments, which Jesus brought forward. However, what was it about by the cruzifixion, still is not quite clear, because Jesus was Liberation-Theologian those days, who was going to fetch the lower people out of the stern caning of their Abraham-believe, watched by th pharisees and this people sentenced him to death by the shout "at cross with him". For the pharisees it was blasphemy, but the god-believe of Jesus was well the collapse of all hitherto. And the people could have had anxiety, facing the Romans, to turn off from their taskmasters. That can be the reason, why Jesus had to smile in secret of the cross.

All together results a part of the revelation, but it is doubtlessly a possibility the experience the faith with the reason for paving the way to it. And one needs not disdain the christian believe. One can shiver in awe, how big is the world, even before we start to forebode the size of god. One does not need a theology study with a novel aaproach, to believe, but god is not to comprehend in a breath, in order to do him down from the pulpit, by asserting a reason, which one got to know only in the first beginnings. The disdain of the christ-believe is a bumptiousness.

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last update Feb 14th 2013